Künstler Turrell erhält Auszeichnung von Obama

James Turrell, der Künstler von «Light Transport» (Bahnhof Zug, 2003), der mehrmals im Kunsthaus Zug ausstellte, erhielt am Montag, 28. Juli von Barak Obama im Weissen Haus die «National Medal of the Art 2013», wie das Kunsthaus Zug berichtete.

«The moments you help create – moments of understanding or awe or joy or sorrow – they add texture to our lives», heisse es von Seiten Obamas. «They are not incidental to the American experience; they are central to it – they are essential to it. So we not only congratulate you this afternoon – we thank you for an extraordinary lifetime of achievement.»

Und weiter sagt er: «Capturing the powers of light and space, Mr. Turrell builds experiences that force us to question reality, challenging our perceptions not only of art, but also of the world around us. He is recognized for his groundbreaking visual art. Capturing the powers of light and space, Mr. Turrell builds experiences that force us to question reality, challenging our perceptions not only of art, but also of the world around us.»

Künstler Turrell erhält Auszeichnung von Obama
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